Happy Dance!

After many hours of searching and trying software, I have a unicode text reader/editor called AnyView on my cell phone that is capable of opening the artifact list for epona.net! WHEE!!

This might not sound like much of an accomplishment, but for a linux-based mobile phone with only 8 MB of RAM to open a 600k+ text file is no small feat. Every other piece of software I’ve tested could not open the entire file. Nor could it search it. So this is really good news.

Finally! I don’t have to worry about carrying the Zaurus if I can look through the list on the phone. Woohoo! Even has a search =) So we’re set if we are in a museum and need to look something up but aren’t allowed to carry big bags with us. (Museums in the US usually won’t let you take a backpack into the viewing area, nor will they let you take a computer…) So this is a work around. =)

Happy dance! Happy dance!

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