
Fraud warning: “Domain Notification” email

Over the weekend, I received two emails allegedly from support@codero.com stating that my domain, docboxconsulting.com, needed to be submitted to search engines. If you read the email quickly, it sounds like the domain needs to be renewed and I should fill out the form and fax it to the phone number provided before the offer expires. Um. No. I had all kinds of alarms going off. First off, what hosting company in their...

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CSS Resources

A friend of mine asked for tutorials and resources for CSS, so I complied the following list of sites. The cascading style sheet (CSS) spec (current version is 2.1) is published and maintained by the World Wide Web Consorium (W3C). The W3C also has a tutorial on CSS. W3Schools is a good site with excellent tutorials for HTML, CSS, XHTML, among others. I learned HTML/CSS there — and then had to unlearn some...

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Web Standards Update

Great news today! Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2.1 has become a candidate recommendation. Finally! It’s only been around for five or six years. Pretty soon it should be a full recommendation. Excellent work! Related Images:

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Ugly Web Sites That Work

At my day job, we are currently redesigning the corporate Web site. I am responsible for doing most of the coding for the site. During lunch, I have been reading articles on CSS, XHTML, site design, structure, management, etc. Today, Slashdot had a link to an article at Site Reference called “The Surprising Truth About Ugly Websites,” by Mark Daoust. One interesting point that the article makes is that quite a few users...

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