
Update on Kasane’s injury

Before Thanksgiving, I noticed Kasane had been off on her back left. Some time in November, Kasane did something to her stifle. Kasane’s lameness wasn’t acute. It wasn’t an obvious lameness. She just wasn’t moving right and she didn’t worked out of during riding or free lunging. I gave her a week off, and then rode her lightly the day after Thanksgiving. The following day she looked off again. Because Kasane’s lameness didn’t...

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Update on Isis’ lumps

A while back, I wrote about Isis’ odd lumps behind her front legs. The vet came out in mid-July and biopsied one of the lumps on the right side. Test results finally came back last week: the lumps are granulomas. In other words, the lumps are scar tissue from an allergic reaction or injury. They should go down on their own. Granulomas was the best possible outcome of the biopsy. For once, Isis’...

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Bay Wonder Mares

It was gorgeous today. No clouds in the sky. Amazing warm weather (60F) and a light breeze. I weighed in at Weight Watchers today and then wanted to skip out of work. Instead, I went back, finished up some projects, and got out of work early. I was itching to ride Isis and work both girls. I didn’t care if I was in my work clothes. I wanted to be out with the...

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Post-vet visit

Yesterday, as I was driving out to the barn, I was afraid that Isis was having another EPM episode that was causing her to lose control over the muscles in charge of swallowing. I had no idea how bad she would be or what the vet might say. When the vet arrived, she sedated Isis and then tubed her. (Tubing goes up the nose and down the throat. It’s used for worming, seeing...

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Kasane’s Feet

The vet saw Kasane today at lunch. The good news is that the way we were treating her foot let her actually heal more. She may have had some thrush, but that appears to be mostly gone. The vet ended up cutting away a good part of Kasane’s frog on her front left foot. We need to wash the crevasse between her hoof and frog every evening and keep an eye on it....

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