
One thousand posts and counting

This post is the 1000th entry on Y Ceffyl Du. It’s only taken seven years to get here. I’ve blogged the tales and tribulations of four cats, five horses, and major events in my life. Here’s to Isis, Basette, Stella, and Ambush, who have passed and are missed. Their antics and memories are chronicled here. Here’s to Rajiyyah, Logan, Kasane, and Prize, two still in my life and two with other people who...

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Seven years later…

The first blog post on was on April 11, 2004. At that time, I had two horses (Isis and Logan) and four cats (Basette, Ambush, Stella, and Kiesha). Seven years later, I have only one kitty and three horses. I started this blog as an outlet for dealing with the medical issues my cats and horse had. Basette, my sweet little black cat, was a diabetic who never responded to insulin treatment....

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Young, Spry Basette

One of the scanned pictures of Basette; she was seven. This is the Little Black Wonder Cat(tm). See the sparkle in her eye? That sly calculating look? She was purring when I took this photo. She posed for a series of five pictures. Such a photogenic little critter. I took some of the original pictures to the vet’s along with a poem I wrote (which will be posted later). They were so delighted....

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Basette’s ashes

It seemed appropriate to post this picture today since Basette’s ashes have arrived at the vet’s. It was the last picture I took of her, minute before she was put to sleep. It’s painful to see how different she looks. So lost. She wasn’t there any more; her mind had fled the misery her body was in. (Yes, the picture is that small for a reason. Click on the thumbnail for a larger...

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One Last Purr

Basette purred when I picked her up during the consultation with her vet this morning. We spoke candidly about the Little Black Wonder Cat(tm): treatment options, outlook, and chances for Basette to have a normal life. She had received regular fluids to flush toxins (side effect of the kidney disease). Her glucose levels, usually stabilized by her healthy eating habits, were spiking and dropping. She didn’t feel because she wasn’t consistently interested in...

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Visit with Basette

I visited with Basette for 1.5 hours today. When I first got there, she purred, stood up in her cage, and walked over to me. Purring so loudly. So happy to see me. She seemed better at first. She cuddled under my chin, purred contentedly. After about 20 minutes, she became uncomfortable and squirmed to be put down. She walked around on the floor a few steps, stop, and wobble on her back...

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Basette update

Quick note: the vet called this morning. Basette hasn’t improved. My regular vet wasn’t in today, so she asked another vet to call me. Her glucose levels had dipped low again last night, so she is still responding to the insulin. I’ll post again after I visit Basette. Related Images:

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Bad news

Basette spent the day at the vet’s for monitoring. We’d hoped that she would continue to improve Wednesday after bouncing back so thoroughly on Tuesday. The vet called me this morning. In a long voicemail message, she said that Basette looked worse: lethargic, not interested in eating/drinking, didn’t want to walk around, and generally feeling blah. Why would Basette be worse when her glucose levels were lower and seemed to be finally under...

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Basette update

The vet called this morning with some good news! Basette’s morning glucose was 405 (much lower then the prior day’s 500+), and her lunch-time glucose was 339. She’s edging back towards a normal glucose level finally. The best news was that Basette was up and walking around the clinic. Not just a step or two — but the entire circumference of the back room. Her change in activity says more to me than...

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Bounce-back Basette

Every other day with Basette has paled in comparison with today. When I took her in to the vet’s this morning, I fully expected to face a horrible decision. She wasn’t comfortable, and I did not want her to suffer. It’s a sad considering saying good bye to an animal you love dearly. How do you prepare? How do you know when it’s time to let her go instead of trying just one...

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Wondering about the little black cat

After several days of feeling spry, Basette went back to the vet’s today to have her glucose checked. It was above 500 again. Her insulin dose has been increased two units, and she’ll return after a week for a checkup. Some days it seems to be touch-and-go with Basette. She has a good day, and then an evening when it seems like her energy is gone and she just looks bone tired. It’s...

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Nastiness on the teeth

Basette is back from the vet’s and has had her teeth cleaned. Apparently, they were really nasty. Not surprising, considering she has never had her teeth cleaned (bad Mommy!). I actually never knew cats were supposed to have regular dental cleanings until recently. Basette grew up as a vicious mouser in the barn. She lost a third of her front teeth from chomping on rats, mice, rabbits, birds, and whatever else was slower...

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Bouncin’ with Basette

Basette could drive someone (like her caretaker or vet) to being giddy and depressed on alternating days. For a while after the antibiotic treatment with Clavamox, she responded well to the insulin. Little by little, however, her glucose levels crept back up and over 500. It has seemed like every option has only provided a temporary solution which lasts, at most, two weeks. My vet just came up with a suggestion: what if...

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Doin’ the Basette Boogie 2

Some times miracles never cease to amaze! This might be overly optimistic, but Basette’s glucose was much lower today. She is actually responding to the insulin at long last. This morning when I took her into the vet’s, her glucose level was 444. This afternoon, her glucose was 290. Finally below 300! Party on, Garth! Unfortunately, a second exam of her retinas confirms that they are detached, and one eye has had a...

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Super trooper kitty

Some good news, and some bad news. Good news: Basette’s insulin dose is having some effects and appears to be helping her. She is feeling better and has been up and around more. Bad news: She has lost more of her vision. This morning I sat and watched her before going in to work. For 30 minutes, I sat and talked to her watching how she reacts to my voice. How she turns...

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