
Why did Ceffyl disappear again?

Ceffyl has been stressed: Three sick cats: two have recovered from a UTI, third might have one (or she has a behavioral issue). My mare, Isis, was diagnosed with EPM (serious neurological disease) and just finished the first month of treatment. All of this started in May. If you know me, then you know this is my kid and anything that happens to her gets me Seriously Upset. Unsure about my job. I’ve...

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Illnesses invade! Run!

I have a sinus infection, Isis has EPM, and Ambush and Stella have urinary tract infections (UTIs). Recovery is on its way through… The day after Isis came home from the hospital, Ambush had a sugar crash. He was unaware of anyone or anything that happened to him. A trip to the vet, some good wet food and blood glucose test later, he was on the road to recovery. The next day he...

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Stella eating more

Finally. Stella had her fluids on Friday and then didn’t eat much… but today she started eating again. (Yay!) A friend of mine at Phydeaux pet store suggested a trial size of Call of the Wild no-grain cat food. Stella’s pickiness has rubbed off on Ambush. For the first time ever, Ambush is refusing to eat his dry food. He prefers Stella’s Fromm to his own Indigo Moon. He even snubbed a new...

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Stella doing better

Stella finally seems to be doing better. After two courses of trying to give her Clavamox antibiotic twice per day (and her successfully avoiding it 25% of the time), the vet gave her an injectible antibiotic that lasts for two weeks. The dose is determined by the cat’s weight, so it has the potential to be expensive. At five pounds, Stella’s dose was cheaper than one run of Clavamox. Every few weeks, Stella...

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Worried about Stella

I’m heading back to Tennessee this weekend to work on the house. I’m bringing Ambush with me and leaving Stella at the apartment. She eats better when I’m around, but I’m worried that the stress of a 11+ hours in a car over three days would be too much stress on her. So she will be a the house by herself until Sunday. My sister is going to check on her, so theoretically...

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Wet-food Wonderland

I love my kitty. I love my kitty. I love my kitty. Cats are notorious for being finicky critters. I’ve been blessed with two cats who are not. Put almost anything in front of Ambush or Kiesha and they will eat it. They might even meow for seconds. Stella, on the other hand, more than makes up for the others’ indiscretionary diet. Stella must have her wet food heated to body temperature. It...

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Stella’s vet check

Week before last, Ambush had his vet checkup. We upped his insulin dose to three units twice per day and decided to change the kitty food to something with lower carbs and lower protein (for Stella). My vet suggested that I bring Stella in, especially after mentioning how hard the last few months had been on the itty-bitty-cuteness-kitty(tm). Stella is now 19. Up until these past few months, she never looked her age....

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Vet Visit Results

Ambush does not like his cat carrier: the second he hears it rattling around he hides. He knows what’s coming next. He no longer gives me a lot of trouble getting into it, luckily. He whines. Poor kitty. Ambush lost over a pound since his last visit. The once 18-pound marshmellow is now an almost 12 pound kitty. Since he has been diagnosed with diabetes, he has lost a full third of his...

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White Wonder Cat Update

For the past two weeks, Ambush has been on one unit of Vetsulin twice per day. It hasn’t really seemed to do that much to help him. He is drinking a lot of water and urinating a lot. I’m going through one 14-pound jug of clumping cat litter a week. He also seems to be losing weight. He has an appointment next Wednesday with the new vets in Hillsborough. I really like the...

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Unpacking, kinda. Trippy.

I’ve been trying to get things unpacked in the apartment. Some days, like Wednesday, I’m super productive. Other days, like today, I’m not even close. I unpacked maybe one box tonight. Shuffled things around. Just didn’t have the energy after work to do much. Instead, I will probably opt to go to bed early. Tomorrow morning I’m leaving to go to Tennessee. I get to see Isis! A friend of mine is working...

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Ambush Update, Part the Third

I called the NC vet back last night to find out how severe Ambush’ murmur is. On a scale of 1-6, with six being the worst, she rates Ambush’s a five. Que scepticism. If it was a quiet murmur, I could understand maybe my vet in TN missing the murmur. But how do you miss something that is supposedly as loud as his would have to be to qualify as a 5/6? I...

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Update on Ambush

I called my vet in Tennessee for a second opinion on the way in to work this morning. She said it is possible that another vet could hear a murmur that she missed. She also suggested getting a second opinion: 80% of the cats she diagnoses with murmurs really don’t require much treatment because it isn’t affecting the cats. She usually suggests to the owners that they go to UT vet hospital to...

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Sequestered Felines

The kitties have been locked in my second bedroom for the past week and half. I’ve been worried about them getting into the fans and humidifiers the cleaning crew brought. These kitties are completely spoiled: their room has a cat tower for climing up to a window, three cat beds (including a new one for Stella), and an available window and ledge for each adored feline. Unhappy kitties. Ambush hasn’t been very happy...

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