
I have never purchased a house on my own before. This has been an adventure that has consumed the majority of my time for the past two months. I’ve been trying to get my work done, freelancing projects finished, and everything else that goes along with it… and now the various electricians I’ve asked for estimates are not sending the requested information. I close on the house on Wednesday or Thursday. I have...

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Neat person

I went to a network meeting this past Tuesday and met a really neat lady. She is in town for some training at the local national park. After a few months, she will return to Alaska. We have a lot in common–interests in history, MUDding, and meeting people online. She is a talented writer and photographer. I’m hoping I can monopolize some of her time before she goes back to Alaska. Related Images:

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Riding again!

Isis is back in training and so is Rajiyyah. After a hiatus of several months for both of them, their various feet and or muscle problems have cleared up. Rajiyyah is in training at Forest Hills Farm. I’m working with Isis. It feels good to be back riding. It’s been almost a year since the riding accident, and in that time I’ve lost a lot of muscle tone. I ordered a new hard...

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Microshaft Money, meet the IRS…

Yesterday the IRS sent me a note stating that my 2004 taxes were incorrect and that I owe a pretty chunck of change. Great way to lose some sleep. Today, I brought my 2004 taxes to work, called my CPA, and faxed them the IRS paperwork. My CPA is really good. I know this mistake (whether the IRS’s or something I did not provide my CPA) will be cleared up eventually… Of course...

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Dual Boot OS X and Windows

Apple released a program called “Boot Camp” today in beta. The program allows Intel-based Macs to have a dual boot OS X and Win XP system. (see My next computer is going to be a Mac =) Related Images:

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Ambush at Home

Poor kitty spent the weekend at the vet’s. He perked up a little when I came to pick him up. He had been huddling in the back of his “apartment” at the vet’s. He had a towel to sleep on and plenty of space. He was shaking. The vet helped me give him the evening insulin injection (2 units). He did very well. When we pulled into the driveway, he was keen to...

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Flashback to the Sugar Cat

For the past few weeks, my white kitty, Ambush, has been having some difficulties. He has been sleeping more often, drinking two to three times the regular amount of water, and has been using the litter box frequently. He also started throwing up several times per week. Not hairball hacking like normal, but food. He also lost weight during that time. I took him to the vet’s on Saturday. He was so scared...

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After the Microsoft Mobbing

Yesterday, I tried Microsoft’s product, Money 2006. It uploaded part of my financial records (potentially including over a year’s worth of transactions, account numbers, and account passwords) to the MSN servers. I told the software to remove the information from the servers and then uninstalled the application. Having account information on a server not within your control would make you a little twitchy, right? And if that server resides in the clutches of...

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Taxes and Microsoft Money 2006

I downloaded a trial of Microsoft Money to see if it would work with my bank. Sure enough, my bank is listed in the supported institutions (Quicken, the other financial software I have, is not). Of course, when MS Money tried to connect to my bank, it couldn’t. ORFCU recently changed its name and domain name too which probably explains why the software couldn’t connect. To log on to Money, you have to...

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Ugly Web Sites That Work

At my day job, we are currently redesigning the corporate Web site. I am responsible for doing most of the coding for the site. During lunch, I have been reading articles on CSS, XHTML, site design, structure, management, etc. Today, Slashdot had a link to an article at Site Reference called “The Surprising Truth About Ugly Websites,” by Mark Daoust. One interesting point that the article makes is that quite a few users...

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Doctor Who Quote

“You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.” –The Doctor, in “The Face of Evil” Related Images:

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