Y Ceffyl Du Tales of a mischievious horse


Is my kitty trying to kill me?

Cute quiz I found on one of my friend’s LJ pages. I wonder if it will be Ambush, Stella, or Kiesha who might try to do me in? Probably Stella. No one would expect Stella… Related Images:

  • December 1, 2008
  • Cats

Amazing Lesson Last Saturday

Last Saturday, Horsemasters sponsored a clinic at Rivendell Farm for rating for a Bronze or Silver Mounted and Unmounted tests (specific to Pony Club). Isis and I went to the clinic with Max (horse) and Ro (owner). Isis loaded beautifully. She walked on without any trouble and...


Shennandoah Battlefields Preserved

Today I read an article in the Boston web site about an additional 209 acres being added to a expand a battlefield park: Saving a Civil War legacy in Shenandoah Valley – The Boston Globe Posted using ShareThis I grew up near Manassas, Virginia, and spent a...


$100 off a new MacBook at Best Buy

It’s nice to see that Apple is authorizing some discounts on the MacBook and MacBook Pro models. Gizmodo has an article onBest Buy’s 100 off on MacBooks and $150 off on MacBook Pros. It’s a start on a discount, but not enough to tempt me to buy...

  • November 23, 2008
  • Tech

Heh. Why Proofreading is important (or impotent)

If you have ever had trouble with a spell checker substituting the wrong word or not catching an inappropriate word, you’ll love this. Fair warning, there is some language that might be offensive to some. Related Images:


EtherPad Brings Simultaneous Writing to the Web

With EtherPad, the Mac’s SubEthaEdit finally gains some company in the realm of collaborative writing, in which two or more people can edit a document and see all the edits in real time. EtherPad’s difference: It’s a Web application that de facto supports many platforms without the...


Hairstyles in Ancient Greece and Rome

The History Blog has a good brief peice on the history of Greek and Roman hairstyles. Some good illustrations, too. It never ceases to amaze me that some things in the ancient world are well documented, and others are not. It’s possible to define possible date ranges...


Company Soccer Team

I went to the company soccer team game last night and took pictures. Most of the guys in my engineering group are playing (about half of them are European). Figured I’d go and cheer them on. The game was late: started at 9:30 and went until 10:30...

  • November 7, 2008
  • Tech

Blanket Woes

I ordered a new blanket from Dover Saddlery for Isis in case the weather in NC turns nasty (think winter ice storms). I wanted something that was water proof and could adjust to different temperatures. After reading through a bunch of pages from the regular catalog and...


Isis and Sierra

I got out of work later than I wanted and went to the barn. First time I was able to ride this week. (First week after daylight savings time.) Something about working hard to leave at 4:30 and then getting out and realizing it’s actually 6:00 pm…...


Riding in the Courbette Magic

I rode twice over the weekend in the Courbette Magic dressage saddle. Both times, Isis and I had really good, productive rides. She is more responsive to my leg (longer stirrups, legs in right place… yup). The more I ride in it, the more I like it....


Early voting and a Palin prank

I finally got to the polls early on Saturday and was able to vote without any delay. It was great. Took all of 10 minutes. Found this online today. Too funny. Related Images:


Saddle fitting

After the riding lesson on Tuesday, I scheduled an extra lesson to fit the dressage saddles I’d located. I want to make sure whichever saddle I choose fits not only me, but also Isis. A new (or used) saddle is a big investment (“cheap” means under $500)....