
Visit with the Chiropractor

Both of my horses have a chiropractor who sees them regularly. (Most of my friends think I’m a little nuts because my horses get better medical care than I do.) The doctor came out today and had some excellent news about Isis and Rajiyyah. Isis seems to be back in the shape she was before the surgery in August! Even though she still has soreness and stiff spots, they are in the same...

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How far we’ve come…

Last August, I thought I was going to lose Isis. When she went in for colic surgery, quite a few of us at the barn thought she would never come home. She (thankfully) prooved us wrong. She showed how much strength she has. Coming home after a week and a half in the hospital marked the beginning of a long road. Off of grain for one month, which lead to weight management issues....

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Horses and lightbulbs

This is from a horse mailing list I’m on. Good chuckle. How many horses does it take to change a lightbulb? Thoroughbred: Who, ME?? Do WHAT? I’m scared of lightbulbs…I’m outta here! Arabian: I changed it an hour ago. Come on you guys, catch up! Quarter Horse: Put all the bulbs in a pen and tell me which one you want. Standardbred: Oh for Pete’s sake, give me the darn bulb and let’s...

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New foal update

Good news! I talked with Mom briefly. She said Sahra and the foal are doing well. Sahra has to be kept quiet (no running around, only leading) for a few days, but she should be fine. Baby is strong and healthy. Mom said he’s Mr Personality. Related Images:

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New foal at Mom’s!

I called Mom tonight. She couldn’t talk at the time because she was trying to get Sahra’s (pronounced Sara) foal to nurse. She said he had a colt and then had to hang up. Sahra’s colt is a brother to my mare, Isis, and an uncle to Rajiyyah. Mom said he is gorgeous: a darker bay, star and a snip, nice dish, great eyes, and lots of personality. She is very pleased with...

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I rode!!

Whee!!! I rode Isis for the first time sincer her surgery. Granted, it wasn’t much or for very long, but it was still sitting on her back… She moves so differently from Rajiyyah. Rajiyyah’s steps are more upright, more bounce. Isis reaches with her shoulder and strides out like a thoroughbred a full hand taller than her. So at the end of an excellent workout, I rode bareback. And found heaven =) Related...

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Kids and Jitters

The best way to quell pre-performance jitters is to go to the barn. While horses make some people nervous, they are my sanity. If I’m upset, just touching Isis is usually enough to calm me down. I dragged my dance instructor today to the barn. She didn’t mind because she also has horses. (In fact, her mare is my mare’s aunt.) We had about two hours before we had to head back to...

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Bliss at the Barn

Finally! For the first time since I got sick, I worked Rajiyyah. She was full of herself but we made some major advances. We didn’t get to ride, but I did work her in light side reins and the bit. Something spooked her during the workout and she bolted in an arc around the lunge line. She calmed down quickly, but it made me glad that I always lunge her before getting on....

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Finally out to the barn…

It had been nearly two weeks since my last visit out to see the kids. I finally went out to see them on Sunday. Man, I had been going through withdrawal. It’s hard to explain what it is like. Visiting my horses has always been my sanity check, especially when I’m under a lot of stress. (And if I am not under stress my body seems to try to create enough stress… something...

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Saturday with the Kids

Once my house chores were done (yay leaf raking), I went to the barn for some fun times with the kids. I thought it was only 3:30 when I got out there, but apparently it was 4:30. I took my time tacking Rajiyyah up. I had every intention of riding her, except it started getting dark. The good Grey Mare had her saddle, bridel, side reins, and lunge line on. We lunged at...

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Strange Weekend

A good friend of mine died on Saturday. The second death since Thanksgiving. His funeral is today. The farrier is coming tonight as well. I tried to reschedule — the earliest appointment would be at the end of December. The horses can’t afford to go that long, not with Isis back in work. She needs her Easy Walkers and aluminum back shoes back on instead of the steel front shoes she has on...

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Playing with the Kids

Rajiyyah was full of herself yesterday. When I lunged her, she kicked up her heels, pranced around, and was a holy terror on the lunge line. After a few minutes she settled down adn we were able to get some productive work done. What a silly girl. Poor thing has rain rot on her hips and her face. I put furacin on it, so now the green goop has turned black with dust....

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Grey Wonder Mare, part 2

Today was a busy day. I went to the barn early to work Rajiyyah and then bathe both horses. Rajiyyah was awesome. I lunged her first with the saddle and bride. The horses in the adjacent paddock took off a few times because of a dog barking at the back of the field. Rajiyyah snorted and curled her tail over her back. She bolted half way around the lunging circle and then calmed...

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Farrier today

The farrier came out today for Isis and Rajiyyah. The spots on Isis’ front feet are definitely looking better. Her feet are getting better and the funky fungal thing she had appears to be mostly gone. There is still a little of it in her front right hoof. I’m continuing the treatment and hopefully that will resolve everything. Rajiyyah’s feet look great. The Bay Wonder Mare has been looking a little better. She...

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Riding again

The last time I really rode consistently was Isis’ show back in July. I rode Rajiyyah today and really felt slippery in the saddle (didn’t help I was wearing linen pants). Boy do I need to get my legs back in shape! Any way… She was good today. Full of energy and excitement, but overall she paid attention and seemed to have fun. This was the first time I had ridden her since...

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