
Foiled again! Pranks at work

I love where I work. Great people with a sense of humour and love for what they do. One of the guys at work was out on vacation at the same time I was. Some of my coworkers plotted to cover his desk with aluminum foil. These are programmers we’re talking about: detail oriented to an extreme. And boy does it show. (And of course, they took pictures and made a video.) Awesome....

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Desktop Solution

The guy I purchased the Acer Aspire One from Craigslist also had an OS X desktop system available. He originally quoted me a very good price. However, from the time I bought the Aspire One to when I emailed a few days later about the desktop system, the price had gone up by $150. The system specs were okay, but the sudden price increase put me off. I decided not to get the...

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Doctor Who: Journey’s End

(If you haven’t seen the episode, fair warning: here be spoilers.) The saddest thing about Journey’s End is the contrast between the Doctor having a TARDIS full of friends and family and the end scene where he is alone in the TARDIS. If you watch Confidential for this episode, the people at BBC say that the Doctor is at his most powerful when he is alone and that he is a tragic character....

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Simon Jansen, of, has built an incredible replica of a TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, Doctor Who‘s time machine), complete with a fold-out MAME console for playing retro arcade games. The TARDIS MAME console is obviously a work of love and art. The attention to detail is amazing. Me likey! While you are visiting Mr. Jansen’s site, check out the ascii animation of Star Wars. If you really want some...

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LaTeX replacement

Slashdot had an interesting discussion on LaTeX, a document markup and typesetting system used mainly by scientific and mathematical publications. LaTeX is complex and hard to setup but offers powerful tools (most of which do not have a reasonable substitute). Admist the conversations (and jokes about latex verses polyurethane), was this little gem of a joke: I asked a mathematician how to solve constipation and he said, “Work it out with a pencil.”...

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Top 10 Keywords

A few months back, I installed Google Analytics on this site to see what it does. It was a work-related experiment to investigate exactly what information Google Analytics tracks. I’ve wondered how people find their way to this site. Keyword searches are good indicators of what search terms bring up hits. Here are the top 10 (with links to the page the search result points to): norweigian forest cat cuneiform translator linux chicks...

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Doctor Who Season Finale

Here be spoilers. Fair warning. Oh this is cool. If you didn’t see the last episode, don’t read this until you do. Waa! TARDIS in temporal prison with Rose, Doctor, Jack, and Donna. Completely useless TARDIS. Imprisoned in the TARDIS on their way to the Dalek Crucible. Heh. Daleks saying “Exterminate” in German while flying through Neuremburg Forest. Donna and Doctor #2 (mostly human still Time Lord, one heart, with some of Donna’s...

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Fun day at work

Today was a lot of fun at work. I spent most of the afternoon working with my fellow tech writer on a user guide. We walked through edits and made updates. I am probably strange but I had a ball doing it. Even when we have our own strange head-banging sessions, I enjoy working with him. We finished up the user guide towards the end of the day. Nice way to head into...

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NC License Plate Humour

Apparently NC is recalling several thousand license plates with the letters “WTF” in the plate. Heh. That would have been an awesome license plate. I wonder if I could get one that says “RTM” (read the manual)? The information was on Slashdot this morning. Related Images:

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Doctor Who: Turn Left (or Return of the Wolf)

“Turn Left” (written by Russell T. Davies) shows just how important Doctor Who has been in Earth’s time line. We get to see just what would have happened if Donna never met the Doctor in Runaway Bride. This episode also has the much anticipated return of Billie Piper as Rose. If you haven’t seen the episode, fair warning: here be spoilers. (Episode recap over on Bad Wolf hasn’t been present that much...

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Really Bad Movie: Vampire’s Kiss

Bad B-movies are a hobby. Every now and then you find something unique that has the potential to be bad. Not in a “I can’t watch this” rolling-eyes way, but in a “this is so bad I can’t stop watching” way. It’s got kitch, it’s got style, it’s got over-acting and Really Bad Writing. A B-movie classic from 1989 called Vampire’s Kiss starring a very young Nicholas Cage. And boy is he over-the-top,...

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