

Kanye the Giant

A friend of mine sent me a link to this Key and Peele skit where the DM invites a new player, who proceeds to take over the game. Kanye the Giant is on a quest for bitches. Related Images:


XKCD on gaming

XKCD is a web comic about geek, language, math, and love. And of course, the periodic jab at geek culture like role playing games, science fiction, etc. All fun and done in stick figures. Some times only gamers know exactly how to decipher a manuscript. Never go...


Tales of a first-time game master

I game mastered my first Warhammer session the other night. Oh man do we have a great group of people. We played for a few hours through an off-the-cuff nonsensical adventure in Ubersreik. It was a ton of fun and helped us get a feel for the...


Appreciating game masters

I knew preparing a campaign would be a lot of work. I knew learning a new system like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay would be work. What I didn’t realize was how much reading, learning, and creativity would be involved in pulling everything together. Boy do I have a...