
Sequestered Felines

The kitties have been locked in my second bedroom for the past week and half. I’ve been worried about them getting into the fans and humidifiers the cleaning crew brought. These kitties are completely spoiled: their room has a cat tower for climing up to a window, three cat beds (including a new one for Stella), and an available window and ledge for each adored feline. Unhappy kitties. Ambush hasn’t been very happy...

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So in the middle of all of the stuff in the house, a small point of fun: four kittens romping in the back yard. Imagine my surprise to look out the back window and find a mamma kitty with four 6-8 week old kittens. I’m going to have to contact the Knox Feral Cat rescue. Hopefully the kitties can be trapped and placed in homes. I love cats, but it isn’t fair to...

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Update on the Bushman

I took today off to take Ambush in to the vet’s. Excellent news! The vet was doing the happy dance. =) His glucose level remains within reasonable levels (189) even after one week of being off of insulin. She said to bring him back in for a checkup every two weeks. If he stays at reasonable levels and doesn’t have any other changes (i.e., drinking too much water, weight loss), he can stay...

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Ambush on the Upbeat

This past weekend I drove to NC to visit my sister for her birthday. Whenever I travel, I have to put Ambush, the White Wonder Cat(tm), into the kennel so he can receive his insulin shots. After my last trip to Mom’s in late January, the vet said that Ambush was doing well. His glucose tests were within the lower normal range. We reduced his dose from 4 to 3 units twice per...

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Gun shot

It is about 2:00 AM. I just heard the first gun shot in my otherwise quiet neighborhood. This is very surreal. The last time I lived in an area where there were gun shots, they were from hunters tracking dear or other game. The time before that was when I lived in Durham. I rented an apartment one block off of Duke’s East Campus. Onslow Street. The first place I rented after graduation....

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Play Time with Kiesha

Every night at about 10:00 PM Kiesha loses her mind and her evil twin emerges. About that time, I’ll hear a high pitched meow (where Kiesha gets her nickname of ‘Squeaky’) and the scritch-scratch of Kiesha clawing on the back of the couch. It’s like a mating call: ‘Come play with me or else I’m going to tear things up!’ ‘Kiesh, get off of the couch!” She tumbles off of the back of...

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Norweigian Forest Cat or Maine Coone?

One of my kitties, Kiesha, is a long-haired calico. For some time, I’ve thought that she is a Maine Coone cross. However, a friend asked me if she is a Norweigian Forest Cat (a breed I had never heard of). I did some research, and sure enough she looks like a Norwiegian Forest Cat and not a Maine Coone. Kiesha was a foundling, so I have no idea what her actual breed might...

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White Wonder Cat, Take 2

Ever notice how big cats are chickens? My big white cat, Ambush, is about 15 pounds. He is two or three times the weight of my smaller cat, Stella. Saturday was his routine diabetes check up at the vet’s. He scurried off to hide as soon as he saw the cat carrier come in from the garage. When Ambush is stressed he does two things: whines and sheds. He was very good about...

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Ambush at Home

Poor kitty spent the weekend at the vet’s. He perked up a little when I came to pick him up. He had been huddling in the back of his “apartment” at the vet’s. He had a towel to sleep on and plenty of space. He was shaking. The vet helped me give him the evening insulin injection (2 units). He did very well. When we pulled into the driveway, he was keen to...

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Flashback to the Sugar Cat

For the past few weeks, my white kitty, Ambush, has been having some difficulties. He has been sleeping more often, drinking two to three times the regular amount of water, and has been using the litter box frequently. He also started throwing up several times per week. Not hairball hacking like normal, but food. He also lost weight during that time. I took him to the vet’s on Saturday. He was so scared...

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Sad news…

The kitty I posted about the other day did not make it. Her kidneys failed quickly. She only lasted a few days after my post. A silent prayer to ease the kitty’s journey, and to make her mom realize how blessed she was to have such a special feline in her life. Related Images:

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Reading about other pets…

Today I read a post on an online bulletin board written by a woman whose dearest cat is dying from kidney failure. Reading her grief-striken words was like an echo of my own posts last spring desperately trying to find a solution or help for Basette. And knowing, ultimately, that there wasn’t one. That this was the last downhill ride for the Little Black Wonder Cat. Everyone on the board was expressing their...

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Several times over the summer I’ve though caught glimpes of a shadow-cat wandering around the house. Is it my eyesight? A left-over of the floating filiments seen in migraine-inspired sight? I’m not sure. The shape always seems to be Basette-sized, slipping around the edges of my vision. It’s comforting to think she might drop in every now and then and visit. Shadows like memories filter through the morning mist like dust particles speckling...

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One Last Purr

Basette, the night she lost her vision

Basette was my Little Black Wonder Cat. She recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 11, 2004. It has been so hard to try and write anything here since that time. This blog journaled her story, the intense roller coaster ride from February through June, and beyond. Funny how treating and nursing a pet through an illness brings you closer together. She was so intensely good about everything. Basette has always been my...

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Young, Spry Basette

One of the scanned pictures of Basette; she was seven. This is the Little Black Wonder Cat(tm). See the sparkle in her eye? That sly calculating look? She was purring when I took this photo. She posed for a series of five pictures. Such a photogenic little critter. I took some of the original pictures to the vet’s along with a poem I wrote (which will be posted later). They were so delighted....

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