One of my kitties, Kiesha, is a long-haired calico. For some time, I’ve thought that she is a Maine Coone cross. However, a friend asked me if she is a Norweigian Forest Cat (a breed I had never heard of). I did some research, and sure enough she looks like a Norwiegian Forest Cat and not a Maine Coone.
Kiesha was a foundling, so I have no idea what her actual breed might be. She is a loving long hair who is a definitely character. She is very loveable. In the old house with wall-to-wall carpeting, she used to pee on the carpet. She had been confined in the second bathroom most of the time because of her bad habit. I had tried everything to break her of it (including trying kitty prozac and taking her to a behavioral pshchologist for cats — you guessed it, a cat shrink).
In the new house, Kiesha uses the litter box most of the time or pees on the linoleum floor next to it. I’d much rather have her use the floor than carpet any day.
So what do you think? Norwiegian Forest Cat or Maine Coone?