Kim (Ceffyl)

Bliss at the Barn

Finally! For the first time since I got sick, I worked Rajiyyah. She was full of herself but we made some major advances. We didn’t get to ride, but I did work her in light side reins and the bit. Something spooked her during the workout and she bolted in an arc around the lunge line. She calmed down quickly, but it made me glad that I always lunge her before getting on....

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Belly Dance Class!

Finally, after a month, I made it back to dance class tonight! Imagine my surprise to learn that our next recital is in two weeks!! EEP! We’re still learning a new choreography to Madura’s Isdes. Fun fusion song. We might also do another dance to Bakara (not sure who that song is by). It’s fun, though. I’m really enjoying it. The people in the class are great, some times goofy but all having...

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Stuff + Fan = Mess

One of those weeks. Roof is still leaking. The kitties are going in places where they shouldn’t and leaving presents. I heard something running around in the attic. I was convinced it was a squirrel (luckily it was just a loud heating system kicking in). Most nights I have been hearing something loud, like a door shutting, that vibrates the floor. It sounds like someone slamming a door. The kitties all jump up...

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Weekend blahs and Ambush

Okay, so I’m incredibly lazy this weekend. I’ve done some work for clients, but mostly I’ve stayed in bed and slept. I am trying to kick this sinus infection and it seems hopeless. It just hangs on, like a leech. On a funny note… Ambush has started playing with this blue strip of rabbit fur. He tosses it in the air and chases after it. Good to see him playing (and sliding across...

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Farrier — and progress

The farrier came out this evening. Bad timing: I had forgotten that the farrier appointment conflicted with two classes on Thursday (including belly dance class). Last time the farrier was out, Isis was ouchy in her rear end. She even tried to kick the farrier — unusual for her. The chiropractor was out a few days ago. She focused on Isis using accupuncture and adjustments. When we did Isis’ rear feet, she was...

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Evils of Head Colds

This stupid sinus infection has been lingering. I know I should go back to the doctor’s for a different antibiotic. Unfortunately, since it is now pas the new year, I would have to pay on the deductible before my insurance would kick in fully. That means another $100 or so in a month that is bill-heavy. I’m sticking it out with herbs and vitamins. Here’s hoping they kick in and take care of...

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Happy New Year’s!

Happy New Years! Just after midnight, a friend of mine called to wish me a happy new year. Several other people at the party also received calls from family and friends. The song on the radio was “Come On baby light my fire.” What does that mean for the new year? Related Images:

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Party on, Garth

So here it is New Year’s Eve… I’m going to visit with some friends until probably about 1:00 AM. We’re going to watch the (classic version) Wicker Man with Christopher Lee. Excellent movie. Should be fun. Related Images:

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Gadget Girl

I’m a geek. First one to admit it. I’ve had bosses who haven’t known what to do with me because I am so into technology. I think gadgets are fun and amazing. I am an early adopter of technology. Maybe it’s the science fiction writer in me that loves the gadgets. One of my bosses even called me ‘Gadget Girl’ — always thought it sounded like a great comic strip character. Our heroine...

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One of the technical writing mailing lists I’m on posted a link to a site with freeware/open source software listings. This site, NGO-In-a-Box, provides a list of open source or freeware software geared towards a specific purpose: audio/video editing, desktop publishing, etc. The Audio/Video site looks excellent. Unfortunately the desktop publishing portion appears to be suffering from PHP and MySQL errors. Related Images:

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Finally out to the barn…

It had been nearly two weeks since my last visit out to see the kids. I finally went out to see them on Sunday. Man, I had been going through withdrawal. It’s hard to explain what it is like. Visiting my horses has always been my sanity check, especially when I’m under a lot of stress. (And if I am not under stress my body seems to try to create enough stress… something...

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Where has Ceffyl been?

I’ve been really sick for the past 10 days or so. A good percentage of my office mates have had the current plague (sinus infection or kidney stones seems like) since Thanksgiving. I came down with the sinus infection stuff a week and a half ago. It culiminated on a drive back from picking up a friend in Raleigh. This was supposed to have been my week off. Instead I’ve spent it curled...

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Party Aftermath

The party was fun. I got to see a bunch of people I haven’t seen I a few months. You know when most of your friends have kids because they think 9:00 PM is late. Overall, a nice stress free evening at the party. Because I was at this party, I had to skip my company’s Yule party. I might have known maybe 5% of the people there. I think I’m glad I...

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Crazy crazy day

Today is NUTS: Horse sitting at 8:00 AM. Plumber at 10:00 AM to fix the toilet. House cleaning/laundry until 1:00 PM. Cat-sitting for another friend at about 3:00 PM. Shopping for last-minute items for Christmas party. Co-hostessing a party starting at 5:00 PM. Cleaning up after said party. Driving home and collapsing in bed. It is goign to be a very long day. Related Images:

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Firefly as MMORG

According to an article in Wired: “Like Capt. Mal Reynolds stumbling in after a bar fight, the short-lived but much beloved sci-fi series Firefly will soon make an unexpected return, not as a TV show, but as a massively multiplayer online game.” The game is being developed by Multiverse (whose Web site has been slashdotted, so don’t expect to be able to access it any time today). Could be very interesting, depending upon...

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