Bay Mare Boogie!

The good news continues (yay!). She drank water this morning. She seems to be handling everything well. The path out of the woods continues to brighten.

She has been pawing whenever she comes back in from being outside — but it is out of boredom/pissiness rather than pain. She wants to go back outside and is tired of being in the stall. Her vet said that she will be able to graze tomorrow morning, and that will help her attitude tremendously. She may also get some grain tomorrow.

Yay! I almost asked him when he thought she might be able to come home. He told me not to ask him that until tomorrow after she has been eating. He didn’t want to jinx it. =)

The only bad thing is that the incision site has a minor infection. Apparently it’s in not topica. He’s going to take her off of the antibiotics to let the infection come to a head and drain. After that she’ll be back on the antibioitics to finish getting it out of her system.

(vast relief)

The bank visit this morning was also good. Hopefully the financial aspects are all settled (unless something else happens, but let’s not go there).

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