Wobbly Kiesha

Kiesha noted when I woke up and walked over to me. Her hind quarters were wobbly and she almost fell to the side several times. At that point, I forgot about Stephanie and was focused on Squeaky. I watched her closely, and she repeated the same type of movement every time I asked her to move. She purred and was happy to be loved on. She licked her lips a lot, swallowed —...

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Lessons learned from riding when not riding

I went to the barn tonight to ride Kasane. It was a lovely evening: mild weather, light wind, bright sun. I brought out all of our tack to the outdoor ring, so she could eat and play while I got ready. At one point, she looked up from eating, and took off down the length of the ring at a gallop. She rounded the corner at the end and slowed to a bright...

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Kasane learns consistent collection

After the power outage this afternoon, I packed up my gear and headed out to find a place with free wifi. The Sheetz station has a cafe with free wifi, so I headed there — and to the tack shop behind it. The tack shop is going out of business so everything is 50% off, including the Cortiflex joint supplement I wanted to try for Prize and Kasane. At 50% off, that makes...

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Kiesha is eating again

I’ve found two brands of food that she really seems to like: Tiki Cat and Weruva. She loves the chicken flavors and some of the tuna fish ones. She’s also eating Now Senior kitty food very well. She’s started following me around room to room again. She is being more demanding about eating. All very good signs. She’s on the mend. I wonder how much she weighs now? Hopefully she’s regained some of...

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Studs in a jar

For those of us who grew up on a horse breeding farm, the directions on the Stud Suds jar make for hysterical reading. In this case, the “studs” refer to metal studs that can be screwed into the bottom of horseshoes like cletes. It doesn’t mean the jar will let me fit a stallion in there and then shake him up a bit. Related Images:

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Kiesha kinda eating, kinda not

Kiesha (also known as the Squeakitty or Squeaky) is not doing very well. After the vet visit on July 8, the vet suggested feeding her only one type of food: EVO 95% beef wet food. Saturday evening, Kiesha ate the wet food like it was ambrosia. All of it scarfed without any pukage. Great, I thought. We’re set for the next few days. Except, like many picky eaters, Kiesha got tired of the...

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Squeaky visits the vet

Kiesha has mostly stopped throwing up — at least she has stopped throwing up solid food. I was cleaning the office carpet this morning and noticed a lot of new puke spots of bile. Called the vet. Kiesha hasn’t been acting right, she doesn’t feel well, and she’s been throwing up for a few days. The vet did a blood panel on Kiesha. The good news is that her organ functions all look...

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Bad kitty mommy

I am a bad kitty mommy. I let Kiesha’s meds run out over the weekend and she was off of them for three days. I picked up her methimazole for her hyperthyroid disease yesterday along with some of her favorite kitty food (Merrick’s Grammys Pot Pie and Thanksgiving Dinner). Kiesha had her first dose on yesterday evening blended in with the juice from the kitty food. She scarfed the juice. Drank every last...

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No Man is an Island quote

Found this quote from a friend of mine on Facebook: “The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” ? Thomas...

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Ankles and horses and gimpiness land

Prize and Kasane are both el blimpos because of the grass (even with grazing muzzles on both of them). They are currently dry lotted during the day. What they really need is a good dose of consistent exercise. Unfortunately with my ankle still being sprained I can’t do as much as I would like. I reinjured it over the weekend (and then gracefully tripped over a box yesterday) so my doc has me...

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In memory of grandmothers

There have been too many deaths in the past year: friends, family, horses. A friend of mine told me that their grandmother had recently passed away. I listened to as much as they wanted to say and just kept them company. My friend wasn’t close to their grandparent, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It just makes the emotions more convoluted: a mixture of grief and guilt for not feeling sadder. My...

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Parking redux

The last few nights I’ve watched for the yellow flashing lights of the tow truck. The truck is there every night some where between 9:00 and 11:00 PM. Last night, three of the visitor spots had resident vehicles in them. Again. I’ve shown my friends the areas where there are blocks of visitor spots so they can park without worrying about being towed. I hate that they will probably have to walk a...

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Geekery at work

I work with a bunch of system administrators. For a geek like me, it’s a great opportunity to get to play with the latest technologies and learn from experts. (Okay, so I don’t get to play with the technology. I watch other people use the tech and I write about it.) A high priority ticket came in today for a Windows server that was partially booting and then coming up to a black...

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Parking policy paranoia

A friend from my Wednesday WFRP gaming group visited today to review some of the material for the next gaming session. Parking at the complex was tight: no visitor spaces available close by. (Three of the six visitor spaces had residents in them again.) I gave my friend the visitor pass for the car. We came back up to the apartment, got the gaming stuff, and both started getting twitchy. We ended up...

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