Installing PloneSoftwareCenter on Plone 4

In addition to the Plone Help Center, I also wanted to have PloneSoftwareCenter for project management capabilities. The normal method for installing PloneSoftwareCenter is to add Products.PloneSoftwareCenter to the eggs = section of the zinstance/buildout.cfg file in the Plone installation. Trying to build and then run Plone, I ended up adding three additional lines to the buildout.cfg. I’m not sure why these dependencies were not automatically added. Figuring out dependencies Each time I...

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Installing Plone Help Center on Plone 4

Over the past few days I’ve been trying to install Plone Help Center module on a Plone 4 installation running on a Mac OS X 10.6.5 server. Plone Help Center is the module used to run the Plone documentation and support center. The module comes with predefined FAQ, How-to, Tutorial, Reference Manuals, Error Reference, Links, Glossary Definitions. PHC will work with Plone 4 if you install PHC as a development egg using the...

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Other critter updates

It’s been a little while since I posted about Stella and Kiesha. Stella has been on meds to control high phosphourous levels in her blood. It’s made a huge difference: Stella is eating! After months and years of trying to get her to eat while her wait continuously dropped, she’s on the upswing. She has been regularly gaining a little or maintaining. She is feeling so much better. Kiesha has been responding well...

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The adventure continues!

This coming weekend, Kasane will have her second show. Nope, not dressage or hunter or equitation. We’re going to do games: barrel racing, pole bending, and whatever else Horsemasters thinks up. The pictures from this should be like an outtake reel. I set up obstacles at the barn. Kasane is great at ground poles now. She’ll even jump a little cross rail. Barrel racing she isn’t too sure about. “Why do I have...

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Kasane riding Intro Test A

The first weekend in October, Kasane had her first show. She did very well, considering a lot of things. It was her fourth time ever being ridden in a bit, there were Crazy! Things! at the dressage ring (plastic rails, retaining wall, geese, pond!), and she still was willing to try to complete the test with me. She was willing to try the test and ride to the end of the ring with...

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Installing Plone 4 on Mac OS X 10.6 Server

Plone 4 is an open source content management system (CMS). It’s an elegant, extensible solution for document and content control. Large companies, including Apple, use Plone. I’m evaluating CMS solutions and was pleased to find that Plone has a Mac OS X installer. I tried to install the OS X installer and chose the local installation option. The installation process never completed. About halfway through the installation process I received the following error...

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Isis supplement update

Mom Mom sent me a link to a new product from Platinum Performance, called Platinum Metabolism Support. The ingredients, Magnesium and Chromium, are common in metabolic support supplements like Quiessence. Platinum has good research info available, including a study of Glucosamine in metabolically challenged horses. I didn’t know about the Glucosamine study, for example, showing that feeding metabolic syndrome horses glucosamine had no adverse effect. Isis is currently on Quiessence (for Mg and...

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Saddle fitting suggestions, part 1

A friend of mine just bought her first Arabian mare. A fine bay Arabian mare with white socks and a star. She asked me to help her with choosing a saddle for her mare, Sarafina. Sarafina is currently ridden in an older Wintec dressage saddle (the type before the changeable gullet and CAIR system). Instead of writing my suggestions in a private email, I thought I would post most of the discussion here...

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Kasane’s pre-show ride

She was fantastic even though we had a lot of crazy stuff going on. The neighbor (who lives in a rental trailer behind the two back pastures) decided to start shooting practice just when Kasane and I were starting ground work. We ended up doing a series of sessions: ground work first so she got used to the guy sporadically doing target practice. We also did some desensitization work with the big auto-pop-open...

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Stella looking better

Stella is eating more and asking for food. She has been playing and seems to have recovered from whatever it was that had her down. She’s made a tremendous recovery. Whenever I picked up her from the vet’s after the trip to Chincoteague, she was animated and happy once she got home. Fiesty, even. Swatted at my hand demanding pettings pettings pettings now now now. Such a relief to have Her cuteness back...

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Post vet visit with Stella

Boy, what a day. Stella is feeling so much better tonight.She’s been playing on my desk and keeping me company. She also ate some wet food and dry food after we got home. I don’t know what it was about last night and this morning, but she is feeling worlds better. She also gained 2.5 ounces! That’s a lot for a little kitty who has been constantly losing and not gaining. Yay! Some...

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Stella recovers her spunk

I have been sitting at work all day worrying about Stella. She seemed so small this morning and last night, like she didn’t feel good and didn’t want to be here any more. I called the vet and made an appointment for fluids because that usually helps her. I also had The Conversation with the vet about knowing when it’s time to let your kitty go. I was very upset but pushed through...

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Mild panic, resolved

I got home last night and went to the bedroom to check on Stella. She was curled up where my pillow is. I lifted the end of her tail and let it fall back to the bed it. She didn’t wake up. Pushed on the mattress next to her and she didn’t wake up. Mild panic ensued. In the dim light, I could barely see her rib cage rising and falling with her...

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I really meant to ride…

I had the best plans to do lots of riding this past weekend. Saturday I hung out with my sister (which was lots of fun). Sunday was planned for riding all three mares. Except I threw my back out and had done something to my knee. I did go out to the barn and check on the girls. Kasane finally lost one of her loose teeth. The swellings are all gone and she...

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