Dead Mac in the middle of the road…

I installed several updates on my desktop Mac last night: Java update, another minor application update, and then two update packages for a firewall. I wasn’t expecting any problems… of course that’s when you get trouble. The Mac will now come up to the point where the gray apple logo appears on the screen. And then it didn’t progress any farther. I dropped in the installation disk to restore from the Time Machine...

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Learn Latin Online

I found a link to an online Latin immersion course, Latinum. The course provides sample tracks along with some text for studying. Sounds interesting. I started studying Latin last fall, but ended up setting it aside due to lack of time and server issues with the course. I learned a lot while I was in it. (Learning Latin using a French text was *hard*. Here’s to having friends who have taught Latin or...

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Doctor Who: End of Time, part 1

I watched End of Time (part 1) with my parents on Saturday night after returning from watching Avatar in 3D. (If you haven’t seen that movie, it’s excellent.) We watched most of Waters of Mars before End of Time. Last time my parents saw any Doctor Who was when I lived at home and was watching Peter Davidson and Tom Baker in classic Who in reruns. I’ve been so involved in watching the...

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Yasmin/Yaz/Ocella warning

I have been on Yasmin/Ocella (generic version) birth control pill for the past 6-8 years to help control cramps. It has been one of the few pills that hasn’t made me loopy. When I was at Mom’s over the weekend, she mentioned that she had heard about a class action lawsuit against Yasmin and Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the parent company, due to an increased risk of serious side effects like deep vein thrombosis and...

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Archaeology stories from Digg

December 23rd edition “2000 year old Bronze Horse Head Found In Germany” Frankfurt Scientists say a Roman horse head made from bronze and plated in gold has been discovered at an archaeological site in Germany. “Domestic Horse Ridden Further Back in Time” People were riding horses much earlier than previously thought, new archaeological finds suggest. “Ancient seed sprouts plant from the past – Hurriyet Daily News” A 4,000-year-old lentil seed unearthed in an...

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Maps of War

A Twitter post today mentioned the Maps of War, a site that has history maps with time lines showing the progression of different events overlaid on a map. Two of the maps caught my eye: Imperial History of the Middle East and the History of Religion. I’ve embedded both of them here. While not much of the site deals with ancient history, the maps do provide an interesting point of view. The Flash...

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Kitty update

I have been very lucky for the past few months. While Isis has been having trouble this year, the kitties have been healthy this fall and winter. Stella has been doing very well, even though I have not been good about getting to the vet for her fluids. Ambush still seems to be doing well on his low insulin dose and steady diet. (He is using the litter a lot — I’m going...

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Happy Yule and Merry Christmas

Happy Yule, Happy Eponalia, Happy Hannukah, and Merry Christmas to all of my friends who celebrate the wealth of holidays this time of year. As a friend of mine says, “Hope your Yule is cool!” Blessings of the season to you and yours. Related Images:

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Archaeology article links

I often post links to archaeology articles I find online using Digg. Digg used to offer a way to automatically post links from their service directly to a WordPress blog. A few months back, this service went away mysteriously. The only option I found to replace it is an integrated sidebar widget that lists the articles I did. Unfortunate, it means that those of you who subscribe because of some of the archaeological...

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DSLR and lenses

I have a Pentax Digital Single Reflex Lens (DSLR) K100D Super camera body and a set of lenses. Remember that old film camera you used that had exchangeable lenses? This is the same idea, same weight, same satisfying “click” sound as the shutter releases. Instead of using film, the camera has a digital sensor that captures the picture. DSLRs are both a blessing and a curse: they offer much more flexibility and control,...

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Saddle fitting for the Courbette Bernina

When the chiropractor came out in early November, she pointed out that Isis’ spine near her withers had sore points. The sore spots were most likely caused by a saddle that didn’t fit properly. I knew my old all purpose saddle (the Zaldi in the image gallery below, first picture) did not fit properly. When Isis first came here last year, I rode her in it a lot during jumping and lessons. When...

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New N900 Arrived and Unboxed

The N900 arrived and I’ve finally processed the pictures. I’ve been using the N900 about a week now and absolutely love it. It’s perfect for what I want to do. Here are the pictures of the unboxing. First, obligatory picture of the box. There are several progressive pictures: opening the box, the support letter from Nokia, box contents, and the first boot screens. I loves the Precious. Related Images:

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Post-vet visit

Yesterday, as I was driving out to the barn, I was afraid that Isis was having another EPM episode that was causing her to lose control over the muscles in charge of swallowing. I had no idea how bad she would be or what the vet might say. When the vet arrived, she sedated Isis and then tubed her. (Tubing goes up the nose and down the throat. It’s used for worming, seeing...

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Isis this morning

The barn just called. Isis may be having another episode of EPM (neurological disorder), like she did back in June. She isn’t as bad as she was then, but she still isn’t “right.” I’ll write more when I know more. I’m on my way out to the barn now. Update: It’s not EPM. It’s choking. Update 2: After the vet visit, Isis turned out to be okay. The mild choke was cleared within...

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