New Executive Order Undermines 5th Amendment

From an article in the Guardian today, entitled “New Fiandial Tool for Iraq Fight,” by Jeannine Aversa: WASHINGTON (AP) – The Bush administration announced a new tool Tuesday aimed at putting a financial squeeze on people who run networks that recruit and send would-be terrorists into Iraq. President Bush unveiled an executive order that allows the administration to block bank accounts and any other financial assets that might be found in this country...

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Mailing Lists and Fair Use

In light of the question about when/if to share an email, I put together a brief FAQ on copyright, netiquette, and fair use. I thought it might be useful to include here, in case other people wanted to use it. Please feel free to use this FAQ, so long as it is attributed to Ceffyl. Brief FAQ on Etiquette for Forwarding Emails Is it wrong to forward email from one mailing list to...

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Sister’s Graduation

Youngest sister graduated from MMC today with a certificate in Massage Therapy. She has finally found something she loves and has done really well with it. It’s fun to see her talk about a topic with confidence and have lots of ideas. Go Steph! Related Images:

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Out of town this weekend

Driving to NC this weekend for my sister’s graduation. The really cool thing? I might get to meet one fo the authors of an English-language publication on Epona. She lives in Hillsborough, which is directly on my way to Raleigh along I-40. Sweet! It’s going to take a while to get out of town, though. Doctor’s appointment first, plus picking up the car from the mechanic after the maintenance stuff is finished, and...

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Bathroom with Tile

The tile is finished being installed. The new faucet and vanity are in. Here are some (not so good) pictures of before the tile and afterwards. The picture with the old white tile is rather blurry — that’s what I get for using my cell phone camera in low light. Old tile New tile Related Images:

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Riding Finally!

Yesterday I went out to the barn after a yoga class and before evening dance practise. It was really nice to see the girls. I’ve missed being around them while all of the house stuff was going on. There is nothing quite as nice as having your horses nicker for you when you walk into the barn. It was very hot out at the barn — mid-90s and high humidity. I only worked...

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iPhone at AT&T and Apple Stores

I used to be an AT&T Wireless customer, prior to the buyout of AT&T Wireless by Cingular (or the merging of the two companies, whichever way it actually happened). Any way, my plan with AT&T was much better than any Cingular offered. The AT&T Wireless experience was okay: helpful salesperson, excited about offering me a reasonable deal. In July last year, I received a letter from Cingular stating that they were going to...

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Got home today to find the first pieces of flooring in place. It looks great! I’ll have to post before and after pictures. Purty purty stuff. Can’t wait to see what the new vanity and faucet look like when they’re installed. Not home for long… heading out to dance practise. Related Images:

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Our troupe’s dance instructor threw me a curve ball today: she asked if I would like to do a solo. I’ve been interested in doing a solo, but have not considered that I was ready for one. I’d like to have a better repetoire of steps, for example. Eep! So I have a week to come up with something. Related Images:

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What a night…

Okay, first the good news. The package I thought had been Banff’ed was actually sent to the dead letter center in Atlanta. That was one MAJOR screw up on the part of the post office. I went to the post office when the letter was supposedly still in the building. I was told (at the time) that the letter had been shipped back to Canada. Apparently, it was still in the building and...

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My package has been Banff’ed

I think it’s lost and not coming back. I’m going to go to the post office today and make a claim. This is crazy. I should have gotten the package back long ago. For them to not have it and to not know where it is after this amount of time is insane. I called the Banff hotel. They said that they would send the package back. The lady on the phone couldn’t...

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Bizarre Dreams

I must have had a strange dream last night: I woke up singing a song I learned in elementary school (“Senior Don Gato”–yup, song about a cat). Very bizarre. I haven’t thought about that song in years. Funny what you remember. Oh Senior Don Gato was a cat On a high red roof Don Gato sat He was there to read a letter meow meow meow where the reading light was better meow...

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Way Too Early

I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. I have missed two hours’ worth of sleep this morning to meet the cleaning people at my house. Sigh. Really tired. I know, it’s not technically that early, but when it’s two hours earlier than what you are used to getting up, that’s early. Related Images:

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Sequestered Felines

The kitties have been locked in my second bedroom for the past week and half. I’ve been worried about them getting into the fans and humidifiers the cleaning crew brought. These kitties are completely spoiled: their room has a cat tower for climing up to a window, three cat beds (including a new one for Stella), and an available window and ledge for each adored feline. Unhappy kitties. Ambush hasn’t been very happy...

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