Rode. Life is good.

The kids were great tonight. Even with the threat of rain on the drive to the barn, it was dry at the barn. I worked Rajiyyah first with the surcingle and reins. For the first time she focused on me and paid attention. Very good workout. She was mellow and happy. Isis was next. I didn’t havemuch time before it got dark, so we briefly free lunged. She jumped the ground pole five...

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Word of the Day

A friend of mine keeps making really bad puns. There is another punster at my office, too. He knew the Big Word for punning: par·o·no·ma·sia [par-uh-noh-mey-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh] 1. the use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; punning. 2. a pun. Cited from: paronomasia. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/paronomasia (accessed:...

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Missing the Barn

It seems like I barely have time to be at the barn, maybe once per week? This is the time I really need to be out there. How could I have forgotten that three years ago it was this time of year when Isis had laminitis? I was supposed to go to a belly dance class tomorrow and go to a meetup. I think I’m going to skip both of those to go...

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Brain Surgery

Here is some good news: first set of upgrades are complete. The portable has a new hard drive and 1 gig of ram. Boy is it much faster now! Updated the hard drive from a 4200 to a 5400 and from 512 to 1 gig of RAM. Cracked the case on the Mac mini. The pictures I had and instructions were from the prior model. The memory slots now are underneath the plastic...

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Poor little portable…

It is really on it’s last legs. The drive is clicking every time it boots. It is throwing error messages (no hard drive found and PXE error on the ethernet card — says to check the cable because it’s not working properly). Since I bought the Mac Mini, which has been stable and rock solid. Amazing, really. Much faster than the old machine. I’ve upraded the RAM to 1 gig (from 512) and...

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Chiropractor tonight

The chiropractor came out tonight. Isis was sore (who knows from what). Maye she had been running out in the field and pulled something. Maybe she was sore from being worked (althoug once in a week wouldn’t seem to strain her). Isis has learned a trick: if she hops her hind end up, the accupuncture needle won’t go in. These needles are long and very thin. You barely feel them when they are...

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Work and stuff

One of my clients today pointed out that I’ve been overbooked. It hit hard, and also made me realize how much stuff I’m involved in that is not important. The last two to three weeks have been consumed with computer issues and trying like mad to finish things for deadlines. Stretched thin is the understatement of the year. I’ve barely been out to see the kids. I want to be out there with...

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Bad Vista, No Donut

The more people I’ve talked to about Vista, the more I refuse to use it. Vista was a major consideration in why I chose to purchase a Macintosh. Every person I know who has purchased a machine with Vista on it hates the operating system. It is also partially crippled, especially if you purchase any of the Home versions of Vista. Windows XP (Home and Pro) has this nice feature that lets you...

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Worked Isis (finally)

I worked Isis in the surcingle and side reins. I need to clean her real saddle. The dressage saddle I’ve been using is too narrow now that she has regained some of her muscles. While I’ve briefly ridden her in the dressage saddle, it isn’t a good idea to do real work on her in it. It sits high on her whithers, which means my position is pushed back and puts weight on...

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Test Software on Which Platform?

One of my clients emailed me two products to update. I have to run their software on either the portable (ha! not without some MAJOR upgrades) or on the Mac Mini. The Mini is almost out of hard drive space and would definitely need more RAM to run Parallels (virtual machine for Windows) and the software I would be testing. I can either upgrade the portable’s OS (needs XP Pro instead of XP...

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Working on the Portable

This portable is SLOW. Not just slightly slow, but right-click-wait-15-seconds-to-redraw-menu slow. It is painful to use. The hard drive clicks whenever the machine boots, and about 50% of the time it won’t even load Windows. It throws a hard drive and ethernet card error message (boot disk not found and PXE error on ethernet recheck cable). I keep hoping that it can last just a little while. Just a few more months. Of...

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BBS: A blast from the past

Did you ever use a BBS (bulletin board system)? When I was in high school, I got hooked on BBSes. I started BBSing prior to the move to Tennessee after my freshman college year. In Tennessee when I met Mary Lou — she and her husband ran a BBS called Shadow Keep. It was a WWIV board. I used to talk to people all over the U.S. on that system. ‘Emails’ were sent...

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