Where did October go?

Where did October go? I suddenly blinked and it was gone and November is looming large. December isn’t too far behind, judging by the Christmas crap that’s appearing in the stores. (Christmas crap = the tacky decorations that get shoved on unwilling consumers to encourage them to buy buy buy during the ever-extending holiday season.)

I think I lost most of October partially due to shock. October 11 was a very hard day (one year anniversary of Isis’ passing). October 12 even worse (like a morning after hangover). I took the day off and stayed home.

I’ll catch up eventually. So many good things have happened, too, among the painful memories. Kasane is in dressage lessons and is doing great. (Okay, we’ve had one lesson, but it was a very good lesson.) Our riding has been improving and our communication too, most of the time. Although I find when I’m feeling ungrounded (not fully with her when we’re working), our communication tends to take a nose dive. I recognize it though, and refocus and things tend to improve. It’s a work in progress.

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