Susan Cooper’s Dark is Rising

Susan Cooper’s series, The Dark is Rising, is slated to be made into movies. At least the first book, which came out on Friday, is the first in the set.

Two of the four books in the Dark is Rising series are Newberry Award winners. It’s one of my favorite series. She is amazing. That series is probably one of the primary reasons why I’m interested in Arthurian mythology and Welsh lore.

The movie, The Seeker: The Dark is Rising was released this weekend. The reviews are horrible:

I’m incredibly disappointed. It is too bad that the writer took so many liberties in the movie with the characters and subplots. Wikipedia also has a page that lists some of the plot changes.

I’m not sure whether I should see it on the big screen or not… I don’t know that I want to waste $10 and just be disgusted.

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