Box cloud storage

A while back, Box (cloud storage, like Drop Box) offered a promo for a free 50 GB account by signing up for Box using the Android app. Sounded like a sweet deal, so I signed up. Box storage is accessible via web, desktop, iOS, and Android clients. It’s come in handy a few times, but I’ve missed having a desktop sync feature. It would be nice to be able to keep stories I’m currently working on or files for gaming available from any where (without having up to upload every time I’ve modified a character sheet).

Lifehacker had an article on a new Box account promotional that offered 25 GB storage and desktop syncing. One of the commenters said that he called box support and was able to add the syncing option to his existing 50 GB personal account.

I just called and was able to add desktop syncing to my account for free. Yay!

Here are some other links:

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