Birds in the house vents

This has definitely been an interesting week. Roller-coaster ride, frustrations, and more. Yeehaw.

First, my mare was lame on Sunday (bad). On Tuesday, my diabetic kitty was more active and alert (good). Wednesday I cleaned the house, had everything looking nice, and then discovered two bird families had made nests in the house (bad). Last year, one nest of birds spread these nasty bird mites through the house. (shudder) They don’t transmit disease, they just make your skin crawl. My skin has felt invisible creepy-crawlies since Wednesday.

Thursday afternoon, I installed Word Press (VERY good). Thursday evening, the vet came out and diagnosed Isis with laminitis. (MAJOR bad).

So it’s been a topsy-turvey ride.

At least there aren’t mites (knock on wood).

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