Sugar Baby…

Basette, the little black wonder cat

Two months ago, Basette, my 14 year old domestic shorthair cat, was taken in to the vet because of poor coat condition, excessive water consumption and urination (in inappropriate places of course), and overall lethargic demeanor. She was diagnosed with diabetes. Her initial glucose levels were over 350 (100-150 is normal, 200 high end of normal). She has been on three different types of insulin at varying doses, and her glucose has still been eradict. She’s also on prescription diet for diabetes maintenance.

Basette is currently on Glipizide, an oral blood glucose lowering pill. Supposedly it takes about 10 days of doses before any real effect is noticed. She started this medicine last week on Friday.

Anyone out there have any experience with insulin-resistant diabetes?

My vet brought up the possibility that maybe Basette has Cushing’s Disease. Everything I’ve read sounds so inconclusive — poor treatment outlooks, unreliable diagnostic procedures.

This is a very special kitty. She adopted me at a gas station in Feb 1990 — I opened the car door and she jumped in. She is such a trooper. She rides to the vets while sitting on my lap. Everyone at the vet’s just loves her. It takes longer for me to leave because everyone there has to say good bye to her when I bring her home.

She has spent more time at the vet’s then at home these past two months, and I don’t know what else to do for her. We’re contacting a specialist and are waiting to hear.

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