On shakey ground


Basette isn’t doing well tonight. For several minutes, she couldn’t stand up. Whenever she tried to, her back legs gave out and she collapsed on the floor. She sat there for several minutes, unmoving, tail flicking unhappily. I picked her up, and comforted her. She fidgeted to be let down, so I carefully placed her down. She promptly collapsed again. I called a friend of mine in tears. If Basette couldn’t stand up, I was going to take her to the vet’s in the morning for an exam and to review options. I don’t want her to suffer.

After a while, Basette seemed to regain some strength and was able to move around a little better. I put down some bathroom rugs for better footing.

She is moving around now, but still having trouble. She has stood up and walked around the kitchen a few times. Her back legs are still unsteady, but at least she is up and walking.

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