Basette, another update

Basette, the little black wonder cat

Basette’s condition hasn’t changed much. She is still primarily staying in the kitchen. She’s developed the sniffles (clear discharge). I’ll ask the vet about that tomorrow.

She’s continuing to have trouble with motor coordination on her back legs. She doesn’t seem to be in pain (slight discomfort from her back legs possibly). When she was walking around the kitchen today, she kept thwapping her tail on the floor. She places her back feet very carefully. Must be annoying for the once-most-vicious cat to feel unsteady.

She is so tiny now, and she looks so old. Only a few months ago she looked half her age, and now, I have this sinking feeilng she won’t be around much longer.

I’m so afraid some days that she’ll be curled up on her pillows as if asleep… except she won’t wake. I’ve started checking on her periodically during the night.

Maybe there will be something that will help.

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