August 2009

Some good news

I have spent the past several days calling every freelancing contact I have and sending my resume out to every position I’m qualified for. I’m averaging 3+ submissions per day so far and have had some luck. I had a phone interview yesterday that went pretty well. I have a face to face interview scheduled. We will see how that goes. My skillset matches the job description, but it’s for a very large...

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Bu-bye Mr Job

I became a statistic yesterday. Supposedly the unemployment numbers had been improving — pushed down to 9.4% instead of 9.5% according to NPR a few mornings ago. There will be a few new unemployment claims this week, since a few of my coworkers and I lost our positions. None of this was a reflection on my performance. It was a financial decision to reduce costs. With two tech writers, one can be let...

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Kitty updates

Kiesha had a urinary tract infection. She has been on Clavamox (antibiotic) for a few days and is not doing well on them. She keeps throwing up. Poor kitty. She’s being switched to an injectable antibiotic. Hopefully this time it will help… Ambush and Stella both seem to be doing better. Their UTIs have passed and they are romping around the house as usual. Now that the kitties are all on their way...

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