February 1, 2008

Check Your Bank Statements!

I was doing my budget last night and discovered a cash withdrawl of over $200 made after I moved to North Carolina. I’m waiting on a call back from my bank. Nervewracking. Glad I check my statements. Update: Okay, well the bank situation turned out to be okay. The $250 transaction was where I had made a payment to my Visa card from my checking account. The bank hadn’t placed a notice in...

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Ambush Update, Part the Third

I called the NC vet back last night to find out how severe Ambush’ murmur is. On a scale of 1-6, with six being the worst, she rates Ambush’s a five. Que scepticism. If it was a quiet murmur, I could understand maybe my vet in TN missing the murmur. But how do you miss something that is supposedly as loud as his would have to be to qualify as a 5/6? I...

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Presidential Debates

Seems like everyone on this side of the pond are watching the presendential debates. Last night, Hilleary Clinton and Barack Obama squared off in their first two-person debate. (Senator John Edwards bowed out of the race earlier this week without endorsing either remaining Democratic candidates.) I’m leery about the entire process presidential nomination and electrorial process. Honestly, I think most of it is a sham to placate the masses. Maybe our votes count...

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