September 23, 2007

Hafla at Yoga Haven

Jaia hosted a hafla (think open floor dance and music party) tonight. Talk about a blast! Mary Lou and I went and brought some food. Great food there too — people brought finger food that was really tasty. No potato salad or anything. Most of it was home-made goodness. Tasty. There was live music (and the name of the group escapes me). They play traditional middle eastern instruments and have performed with belly...

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Riding Lesson!

I know I should be taking it easy with my knee and evrything, but some times you can’t keep a girl down. I had a riding lesson today on Isis. I was out at the barn by about 10:00 AM and met the other two ladies who were also riding. (Two sisters who own two Belgian/Thoroughbred horses who are brothers by the same sire.) They went first, so I had about two hours...

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