June 25, 2007

My package has been Banff’ed

I think it’s lost and not coming back. I’m going to go to the post office today and make a claim. This is crazy. I should have gotten the package back long ago. For them to not have it and to not know where it is after this amount of time is insane. I called the Banff hotel. They said that they would send the package back. The lady on the phone couldn’t...

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Bizarre Dreams

I must have had a strange dream last night: I woke up singing a song I learned in elementary school (“Senior Don Gato”–yup, song about a cat). Very bizarre. I haven’t thought about that song in years. Funny what you remember. Oh Senior Don Gato was a cat On a high red roof Don Gato sat He was there to read a letter meow meow meow where the reading light was better meow...

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Way Too Early

I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. I have missed two hours’ worth of sleep this morning to meet the cleaning people at my house. Sigh. Really tired. I know, it’s not technically that early, but when it’s two hours earlier than what you are used to getting up, that’s early. Related Images:

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Sequestered Felines

The kitties have been locked in my second bedroom for the past week and half. I’ve been worried about them getting into the fans and humidifiers the cleaning crew brought. These kitties are completely spoiled: their room has a cat tower for climing up to a window, three cat beds (including a new one for Stella), and an available window and ledge for each adored feline. Unhappy kitties. Ambush hasn’t been very happy...

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Dammit. Janet.

Ever feel like a deer in headlights? You get caught up in doing some activity, trying to correct some error, and you spend all day on it. It’s like some bizarre fascination that you just can stop once you’ve started it. Wasted the entire friggin’ evening looking for information on MacJournal and WordPress. That really annoys me (see earlier note). I should have been reading other material and doing some writing. Not piddling...

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