September 11, 2006

Adobe to Discontinue Adobe SVG Viewer

After several years without development, Adobe has finally announced that it will end-of-life the SVG Viewer. Support will be discontinued on January 1, 2007, and downloads of the viewer will cease some time early 2008. This is unfortunate because Adobe SVG Viewer (SVG) is one of the better, more complete implementations of the SVG specifications. One of the reasons cited for EOL-ing the viewer is supposed native support in some browsers. While there...

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Rain Rot Again

Only Isis would get rain rot confined in a stall. Go figure! Since the colic surgery, she has been off of grain and therefore also off of her supplement. It is now painfully obvious to me just how much her supplement helps her. When I first started her on Joint Combo Hoof and Coat, she was nearly bald from rain rot. After about two weeks on it, she started fighting off the rain...

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